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Abogado De Bancarrota Staten Island

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Bankruptcy attorney

Getting into debt and other financial trouble is far too easy to do. Whether it happened because of a divorce, job loss, unexpected medical expenses, credit cards, or anything else, it can feel like a trap from which there is no escape. The sad reality is that if you only make the minimum payments on your debt (if you can even afford that) it will take you years, if not decades, to finally get everything paid off, and that is assuming there are no more unexpected issues. For many people in NYC, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a much more realistic and reasonable solution to debt problems.

When people hear about bankruptcy, they often assume it is a bad idea, or something that should only be considered as an absolute last resort. The fact is, other options are often either unreasonable, or don’t actually work. For example, debt forgiveness plans and debt consolidation options sound great on the surface, but almost never work for real people. Just working hard and paying down your debt may be an option if you can significantly increase your earnings and avoid unexpected expenses, but since this isn’t a perfect world, it is unreasonable to think that is going to happen in many cases. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, however, is available to most people with financial troubles, and is a proven legal option that can wipe your slate clean so you can start over.

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 Contact person: Abogado De Bancarrota Staten I
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 Address: 19 Broad St, Suite 307
10304, Staten Island, New York
Opening hours:
Mon — Fri:from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, no break
Sat — Sun:closed
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